Today is my mom's birthday. She wants us all to pretend that it isn't her birthday, though, because today is also my younger sister's graduation day. Snotface is graduating from high school and my eyes well up at just the mere mention of it. I can't even discuss it.
Stop it.
Get a grip, woman.
Whew, okay.
If I had a scanner, I would show you a time line of this girl's whole life, but I don't, so I won't... ummm, can't.
Here she is, May 2003. Snotface is 12 years old. Gosh, she is so little!

July 2003, at the beach with Mom and our Brother.

December, 2005, "The Sisters". I'm on the left, our other sister, Binsky, is on the right.

Where was my mother when this picture was being taken? Why wasn't she telling me to stand up straight?!
November, 2006, Snotface meets her nephew - Angel Boy.

June, 2007, Angel and Snotface doing their thing.

poor kid had terrible hair in his early days
August, 2008, Snotface meets her niece - Our Princess.

May, 2009, Snotface goes to the Prom. Second pic is her dad, my stepdad.

(Graduation post to follow, I hope - rain please hold off!!!)
It has been a long road, watching her get braces, and get her braces taken off. I've seen more soccer games than I can count - and there are more in our future. She is going away to college on a soccer scholarship!! YAY! I've watched her grow into a great, loving woman. She defends and supports her brother, takes care of those around her. She possesses both the best and worst qualities of us all and is unique in her own right, as well.
She has had trying times, too. In elementary school she was the victim of intense bullying. The girls didn't like her because she was good at soccer, because their boyfriends were friends with Snotface. It is hard for a girl to be friends with boys because eventually their girl friends get jealous. As is the case with most bullying cases, the school did nothing. It got so bad that our mom eventually had to pull Snotface out of school and put her into catholic school. Things drastically turned around for her and when it was time to go to high school, she rejoined the kids that she had grown up with.
This day is so bitter sweet for me. My kids adore her. She comes over every Sunday night with our mom to watch the kids while I work my one shift. I see her all the time, we talk all the time. Snotface has a great relationship with Angel Boy and it makes us all sad that Princess won't have that same relationship because Snotface won't be around as much for the next 6 (YES SIX) years. She is going to school to be an athletic trainer. Her college is still in state, less than an our away, but her soccer will be demanding, her time limited.
On the flip side, we are all just SO proud of her, so happy that she is dedicated to her schooling and that her hard work with soccer and all the time spent got her money for school. So proud of the woman she has become and continues to grow into.
Good luck, Snotface, congratulations and we love you!
Stop it.
Get a grip, woman.
Whew, okay.
If I had a scanner, I would show you a time line of this girl's whole life, but I don't, so I won't... ummm, can't.
Here she is, May 2003. Snotface is 12 years old. Gosh, she is so little!

July 2003, at the beach with Mom and our Brother.

December, 2005, "The Sisters". I'm on the left, our other sister, Binsky, is on the right.

Where was my mother when this picture was being taken? Why wasn't she telling me to stand up straight?!
November, 2006, Snotface meets her nephew - Angel Boy.

June, 2007, Angel and Snotface doing their thing.

poor kid had terrible hair in his early days
August, 2008, Snotface meets her niece - Our Princess.

May, 2009, Snotface goes to the Prom. Second pic is her dad, my stepdad.

(Graduation post to follow, I hope - rain please hold off!!!)
It has been a long road, watching her get braces, and get her braces taken off. I've seen more soccer games than I can count - and there are more in our future. She is going away to college on a soccer scholarship!! YAY! I've watched her grow into a great, loving woman. She defends and supports her brother, takes care of those around her. She possesses both the best and worst qualities of us all and is unique in her own right, as well.
She has had trying times, too. In elementary school she was the victim of intense bullying. The girls didn't like her because she was good at soccer, because their boyfriends were friends with Snotface. It is hard for a girl to be friends with boys because eventually their girl friends get jealous. As is the case with most bullying cases, the school did nothing. It got so bad that our mom eventually had to pull Snotface out of school and put her into catholic school. Things drastically turned around for her and when it was time to go to high school, she rejoined the kids that she had grown up with.
This day is so bitter sweet for me. My kids adore her. She comes over every Sunday night with our mom to watch the kids while I work my one shift. I see her all the time, we talk all the time. Snotface has a great relationship with Angel Boy and it makes us all sad that Princess won't have that same relationship because Snotface won't be around as much for the next 6 (YES SIX) years. She is going to school to be an athletic trainer. Her college is still in state, less than an our away, but her soccer will be demanding, her time limited.
On the flip side, we are all just SO proud of her, so happy that she is dedicated to her schooling and that her hard work with soccer and all the time spent got her money for school. So proud of the woman she has become and continues to grow into.
Good luck, Snotface, congratulations and we love you!
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